About Us
The Quesnel & District Child Development Centre is a registered charity that was founded in 1976. Our programs offer a variety of services designed to answer questions families might have about their child’s development, promote healthy development, and provide enriched learning opportunities for babies, young children, and youth with extra support needs.
Our assessment, intervention, and support services for children, youth, and families are aimed at mitigating the risk factors that can lead to delays in development and reducing the impact of disability. Family navigation assists families in locating and accessing other resources in the community and across the province as needed.
Our work is guided by our belief that the people we serve are entitled to quality programs and supports which emphasize inclusion, promote health and wellness, and facilitate physical, social, emotional, communicative, and intellectual development. We provide effective services that are accessible, culturally safe, and focus on children and youth within the context of their families and the community. Referrals are accepted from anyone, including self-referrals, and our programs and services are provided at no cost.